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In this highly anticipated session, Hakan will share his expertise and insights on leveraging AI to take your productivity to new heights.
Discover how AI-driven analytics and automation can revolutionize Customer Success with real-life examples and practical advice, providing you with invaluable insights.
As the founder of, the leading job board exclusive to Customer Success opportunities, Hakan Ozturk is dedicated to empowering CS professionals on their path to success.
Don't miss this transformative session. Boost your productivity with AI!
Hakan Ozturk - Founder at The Customer Success Cafe Newsletter
Founder, The Customer Success Café Newsletter - Customer Success made easy so you can level up your skills faster.
Founder, - The premier job board for Customer Success opportunities
Author of the new book: Supercharge Customer Success with ChatGPT
Other books written by Hakan:
- How To Become A Customer Success Manager
- Cold Email Mastery: Write Emails That Convert
- Supercharge Customer Success with ChatGPT
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Matik MC: All right.Hello, everyone. Welcome to Matik, AI, customer success summit. You're nowcurrently watching AI powered productivity, elevating customer success to newheights? I'm very excited to introduce our speaker today. And as I introducethem, I'm going to have an answer, our ice breaker question. What would you useAI to automate in your life outside of work? We have today, Hakan Ozturk, founderof the customer success cafe newsletter. So, Hakan, what's your response? Whatwould you automate in your life?
Hakan Ozturk: Yeah. Hi, everyone. Great to be here with you today. Yeah,basically AI has been massive transformative for me from a personalperspective. I'll talk about this later on. But one thing that I did with AIwas recently the road trip I mean, to the U. S. Actually, you know, usually andprobably if you have traveling as much as I do, you go through many websites.You have to schedule one by one especially if it's a long trip. I would say youhave to schedule everything on your own. Spend a lot of time. Of course, at theend, you end up with your, the plan you are expecting. But this time what I didis… I just listed, the, all the things that I wanted, to visit to do and justgave it, to the AI which actually and it kind of drafted me the entire ROIlike, you know, I've mentioned the number of hours I wanted, to drive, theplaces I wanted to visit, the stop overs and everything. And that came backwith the pre create plan. And then I just had, to find. So, so actually I wouldsay it saved me a massive amount of time and it was at the end, greatexperience. I think you probably have also tried this, but definitely somethingworth doing more that's that was my experience.
Matik MC: Yes, I would love to use it for the same thing. That would be, thatwould be amazing. Awesome. Thank you before I hand it off to you to start thesession. I just wanna remind everyone all of our attendees. Please add anyquestions to the Q and a section. It should be in the bottom of your Zoom paneland it says Q and a on it and we will get to those at the end of the session.Thanks everyone.
Hakan Ozturk: All right. Let me share my screen.
Hakan Ozturk: Hopefully you got it right. All right. Thanks everyone for joining and thanks for format for giving me, this opportunity to talk to you today. Basically, this is, this session is all about you. I made this so that you get out of this presentation at the end with practical teams that you can apply to your day-to-day work both from a personal perspective, to put your own productivity, then apply it, to your work. So that at the end you get massive outcomes, from these steps. And hopefully, and I will be really keen, to hearing, your experience after my session, and of course, feel free, to ask any questions you might have. I will go through my presentation and at the end, we will have, the session. So today's objective are twofold. The first one is about using AI as I mentioned to boost your productivity. When I say productivity, it applies to air team life whether you want a personal perspective, as I mentioned for the ROI stuff, but more from a personal development time management and also, for your work to boost productivity. And it will kind of be massively changing, the way you work. And this is this change things for me and hopefully it will change for you. And the second part,I'll focus more on the customer success… topics where you will be able, to apply the principals and probably the ideas that I will be presenting to you that hopefully will inspire you, give you some more ideas you might not have been thinking about. And hopefully it will be an open communication and more I would say in an interactive way before I dive deep into topics. Just wanted to quickly to talk to you about, my personal story and so that you can see where I come from and why productivity especially coupled, with AI is a massive opportunity for everyone. It's been for me and it's also for you end up coming month or a year. So I come from it background with technical background and I move into customer success at a time when companies started moving towards a subscription-based economy model. And I said, okay, this is there's something going on there. Let's jump on the train and take, the on to kind of the career path. I've been the following. I've mostly been working on in large US corporations. As you can see here. I've started in support account management and move into a customer success manager role, then evolved to a customer success director and ended up starting a newsletter. You probably heard about the I've started the newsletter almost 18 months now. Of course, with the time zero followers, I just wanted, to spread my ideas around customer success and I could help basically my peers, my organization, and my network, share my knowledge. I started, as a side project which today become a massive project. I would say 100 percent focused on the CS cafe newsletter that I'm sending on a weekly basis. Basically, it helps you develop your skills in just three minutes every week and we cross 2,200 subscribers as of today. And it just keeps growing over time. If you follow me on LinkedIn, you probably see, my POS around customer success. And my main objective is really to help you to give you some particular advice, practical tips so that you can apply, I know day to day job whether it be from a personal perspective, but also of course, for your success at work and for your carrier. And most recently around the number time when chatty kind of took, the world as a storm. I also added a second section to my newsletter that I called customer success a hub where I also share on a weekly basis tip centric on the latest trends about what's new, what you can use on your day to day workflow. That brings you massive productivity as well. Of course, that's not all. I also started another project that is the customer success job boards that is exclusive to CS opportunities.So if you are on the hand at the moment or looking, for any other resources around customer success, you can check top jobs dot com. We actually crossed 600 candidates at the moment, top talent around the world and we update with new jobs and new resources every day on many different channels. Another project I also started around a year ago. It's driving customer success .com, which is a news block around all things customer success. And again, I would recommend, you check this out. I also other, I wrote so far four books. The first one was customer success, how to become a customer success manager.Actually, I've been very much inspired by the work that Michael from customer success association as put together. I would definitely recommend you to checkout, his form. There's many great resources out there. So I brought this first book then most recently charge for customer success where you get so many practical tips and prompts, you can kind of copy past, customize for your own needs. And as you are customer successful, like myself, you probably sent many emails trying to sometimes convince leads or convince your customers to attend an event or to join a webinar. And you probably sent called emails to your customers or prospects. And I also wrote, this other book that is called e-mail mastery, write emails that converts actually, that gathers minimum practical tips for you to master the cold emailing process. And on a more personal level,I'm also professional photographers. So I also wrote another book that helps people monetize pictures online. And finally, I also run two other newsletters.The first one is the success spot where I share success stories from the most, the brightest people who have ever lived or who are still alive, like Michael Jordan. This is short I'm wearing here. So, this is all I want success stories that you can get inspired from and get some motivation for your own success.And the last one is around photography. If you want, to dive deeper into photography. I also recommend to join my other newsletters. These are all free by the way. So back to our agenda today, I want to cover five main topics for you which I believe will be massive of massive help for you. But before we dive into all the things around customer success, there's one point, that is fundamental to everything that's I am doing, I've been doing as a customer success professional and I would recommend you to mail as well around the fundamentals that we will briefly discuss. Then I will move into chat and see how we can automate workflows in your data. Work, gives you some examples ideas around engagements and how we can improve your retention rates and all things around engaging with your customers. And finally, I will give you, some names or, some tools that you can use. Most of them are free to start, I would say, but definitely worth giving a try and see by yourself. So product fundamentals.This is all about, the three main core pillars that I've been implementing for everything I do, all the projects that I've mentioned to you are based on these three fundamentals that I wanted to present to you briefly. The first one part principle, Perkins log, second one and the last one is in our decision metrics.But to principal, you probably have heard about the 80 20 rule which is more popular in terms of the naming as an example in customer success. We always talk about I mean, most of the time, you hear this example saying that 20 percent of your customers generate the most of the revenue, for the company.This means that to have the maximum impact on the results you want to have, you have to focus on the 20 percent of the top, the important where the, what matters the most. So it, you can apply this on your personal work in whatever, you do, the project you are working on. And also at work because one thing, that is fundamental to me is when we say productivity, it's not about being busy. So being busy is not doing productive works. You have to make this difference. We can be busy all day long, but at the end of the day having accomplished nothing that is valuable or that can be bringing to the most results. So most of the time now the most important things in the morning that's what I do around three or three main topics I nail then progressively do the other part but start always with the most important Parkinson though maybe less known that than the part principle, your work will expand based on the time you give this to be accomplished until it's basically called completion.For example, you will run a project. If I give you one month, 30 days to accomplish to finish, the work, you will probably kind of procrastinate in the first few days around, the day 15, you will start maybe, to drive the project line 20 day 20, you will start to really get interested in the work. But most of the work will be done and most of the time around, the last week or last few days. So the same project. If I gave you one week to complete, we can be sure that you will get this nailed within one week. So this is basically, the load that is called parking so on. And we can give it a try for your next project.Be really thoughtful about the timing force to have this, have your project, to be completed in less time than that you are you initially projected and you will see you will get this completed very powerful low. And the third one is as in our decision metrics which is based on the colonel as in our us president, actually he was using this magic quadrants where you have, the urgent not urgent task on an XY axis. Basically the tasks that are important and urgent.You have to do it right now. Tasks that are less important, you can schedule some time for, to complete them. But for example, tasks there are neither urgent nor important. You can either automate delegate or simply delete. So this is also another powerful fundamental that I would recommend you to check out. Basically these three principles. I often refer them, in my weekly customer success can later and many publications that are run, it's very fundamental. So that for customer success, who around in this audience has never used that? I guess everyone at least at the very basic level tried orused, the tool, the AI platform from open. I, it's all about writing, the powerful. Prompts as mentioned here, because the AI will interpret whatever you give, the platform. So the results of, the AI interpretation will be much more accurate when you give all the information at the very first instance and how we can apply this to customer success. Actually, one area that is very powerful is identifying, the right profile, the right customer profile as we call I CP, ideal customer profile. Basically, you give this prompt to charge based on your products and services and also specific to your industry. And it will track you, the ideal profile. Then you, of course, you have to find some again whatever, the AI is telling you, but it's really, powerful to target the right profile and based our actions and all those strategies that to drive customer success around this. ICP customer feedback surveys. Again prompts in customer success. We love running surveys and we love collecting feedback which is very fundamental, to ensuring our customers are successful on, in the long run, we gather feedback and, we take action upon, the feedback results. This helps u build trust, and authority with, within our customer base. Basically, if you had two three feedback, it's easy to kind of extract the right level of data.But imagine you have a 1,000 thousands of survey results. You hear this to the AI and it will highlight the most important part so that you can quickly take action and improve your platform, your service. This is again a powerful use case onboarding as I usually say, onboarding makes or breaks the customer experience. So it's very critical, to focus on this initial interaction with your customers. One of the key experts on the topic. Do you probably heard about explain this very well? So I would recommend you to check out, check, or work on and her book as well. But it's critical to nail the onboarding phases so you can use, you can use it is power, to give you, some ideas and some highlights on how you should approach the onboarding process, with your customers. So give it a try. You probably haggle it right? But it's also again powerful around brainstorming. Again. This is something that I use almost every day from a personal perspective. And also from my work for all the publications I run whenever I need some more ideas to expand, my vision, on a given topic or to give to have, some perspective, on a given topic. I ask that to give me, some more ideas and so that I can maybe combine or get go deeper in a specific topic. And then develop, the project I'm working on as I mentioned here, for example, you can bring some around how to develop your online community, as a company. And it will give you many ideas that you probably didn't think of emails. Again, I had another key topics and I know many customer success platforms out there GainSight, you know, zero and many others I don't have had time, to mention. But most of them are presenting templates that you can easily implement within your workflow so that you can follow up on your communications with your customers or product demo you might have run, with a prospect and it's a very convenient way to quickly draft to e-mail or get or use an existing e-mail and find you adapt again personalized to your needs around content, everything that is related, to building your, for example, your website, your company's website, building a knowledge basis… running the knowledge articles, blog posts to develop, your website and to present your visitors with a valuable insights so that at the end you have more chance to convert leads into paying customers. Again very powerful documents summarization. We probably have done that. You just give that a big documents and you ask it to summarize or highlight the key insights. And within seconds, you get, the essence, of the documents. So it applies to large documents. But whereas we chat is very powerful, I think is around the legal documents or financial statements that can be very complicated, to read within the lines or on the lines. But that is, very powerful, to interpret, to give you a powerful analysis in seconds, thirdsection around automation. And again, it's definitely the game changing for all the companies that's why I usually say, don't get left behind to join the revolution right now because this is where the industries and the economies is moving towards automation is key, to delivering massive accelerated value, to customers. And also it has some one size as well with some jobs that will most probably disappear. But at the same time some new jobs will be created. Again automation doesn't mean full automation without any actual touch. It's key, to personalize and to keep the right level of balance between automation and personal personalization. The, the main objective here is really to save time, to be more productive. And also of course, for companies, to save costs while being more willing, more value, to its customers… within customer success. Actually, where I see the most impactful use case, for automation is around running business reviews. For example, myself, I've been many times in, on a Friday afternoon having, my enterprise from sales or from other departments asking,for a brief presentation about an upcoming executive brief or BR last minute call. And this is where I think, the power of AI really comes on points. Again, AI is very effective in analyzing large amount of data and customize the presentation based on the customers needs. Given all the data points which I will come back on later but, very helpful, to integrate automation for, the business use or for any kind of exec meetings. Again, all the things, that are around following up running or looking at other meetings or following up on the meetings, new meetings, and so on very powerful, to use and automate. And other point for automation is around predictive analytics. And here again massive opportunity for companies to leverage the power of AI, to boost productivity. And also talking about customers who says to retain customers to analyze behavior and build strategies around how to best increase retention rates, for the customers, existing customers. And, and probably most important identify the customers that are at a risk, and do and take action on a preventive manner to ensure that, you keep your customers. And there are several customer success platforms out there. Like for example, my friends at upscale who are analyzing more than. I think it's 150 data points or more, to deliver accurate great analysis. And also another company that I've been intervening on my cat was hook. And they are also very powerful, on running this type of analysis.Customer health is another looking for us in customer success, very important and customer health based on inaccurate data is not really customer health.It's just, it would just be a… case that you just tack on. It's. Really important, to analyze to run the analysis based on accurate actual data and provide meaningful insights and action items. You can, you can use AI for, to analyze survey responses as I mentioned it earlier to run analysis in the customer feedback and reviews. And it's a powerful way to automate and get quick feedback from the field. I listened here a couple of use cases I've had in mind and this is completely transforming the entire economic landscape. One of the most powerful ones that I've seen is, in banking, financial services, and insurance, for example around for that action. This, this was, very complicated, for human means to analyze massive amounts of data. And now with automation, companies are much more accurate and a much more faster way to run accurate analysis and deliver meaningful insights is automation is hitting all the industries, transportation healthcare. As I mentioned here, manufacturing internets, the eCommerce platforms are massively using AI automation. And the other point is around customer support checkbooks are here. You probably have at least once in your interactions, with companies, with the checkbox. Of course, we are in the very beginning, of this technology although it's already really robust at the moment. I do predict that many first level support jobs or interactions will disappear because Chuck boards are very powerful, to answer very simple, easy to resolve questions. But then of course, whenever you start struggling with the chatbot, then… I imagine a second level of real human taking care of handling the issue take, I mean taking over the issue and run the escalation, or the support service that would be needed. Again, the…extraction I automation is, very powerful on these data points, documentsrunning, you know, spreadsheets with 10,000 or 20,000 lines. You would agree that we prefer giving this, to automation to so that it can give us meaningful insights on the spot. The other point I wanted to mention is something that I really like is around, the avatars, I avatars. Actually you just give you a text and the avatar you select, the avatar you want, you customize it and you add it to your website. And so whenever someone is our customer or a prospect comes to your site and wants to get more information about your product, your services, all basic level, the first line level can be really handled with the avatars. And it really sounds like nation of course, but it's just the mindblowing, the level of accuracy and precision that's it took like a storm involved. Some companies like Cynthia or Jen are very advanced in this technology and I would recommend highly recommend you, to check the demo. It'sagain always free, to try. But then you will just be blown away. So interactive tutorials, all the things around a quick onboarding or in product demos or in product guidance. These are the things that can be easily done with it out of those engagements and retention. Again, as I mentioned, the key part here is around personalization. Of course, we can do many things, with automation, but the point is not to sound like a robot, right? It's we, because people make business with people we buy from people. So at some points we need to make sure that it's our customers are not talking to a robot. Because there's nothing worse than having an experience where you feel like it's a robotic sound that is handling your most impactful life changing decision or whatever. So, this, the business side is our own people and personalization is definitely key. One thing here is you probably seen is whenever you visit the website rather than presenting you the all the products or services the company is offering, it's much more effective to present the kind of products that the visitor or the returning customer would be more interested in. For example, we are here in summer period. There's no need. It doesn't make any sense to present like something that would be, in extreme unless your customer would be interested based on his or her… past behavior. So on the purchase workflow process, personalized e-mail campaigns running out, these campaigns to target laser, targets your customer to send a message to the right customer at the right time with the right message is absolutely key loyalty programs. Many companies are running loyalty, to boost their brand awareness, and their customer experience.Again, AI is very powerful to together massive amount of data based on customer purchase experience and history preferences, and so on. So everything that is related to massive amount of data, AI is very powerful and helpful, to companies out there. Again. The web experience, adjusting the content on the go live. Whenever someone is using our website is absolutely critical to make a difference based on your, on the competition, for example, location based, this is something that we all experience where we travel. You are presented with product that are more specific to the location where you are. So this is something that is more and more common product configurator. This is something that, you see with cars, with many other tech tools that you want, to purchase or it's really helpful here as well. Again automatic follow up follow ups or webinars or presentations, for example, based, on the attendees, I can quickly rearrange your presentation based, on your audience interest. And again, at the end, what's what matters the most is the customer experience. And from the moment that AI is serving the customer helping with serve the customer, it's a massive game changing. So we are back to our powerful AI tools. So these are the tools that have been massively changing for me and probably will be helpful to you as well. I've listed this so that you can probably take some notes and try it by yourself. First of all, around the meetings and communication. Firefly for example, is something that I'm using on a regular basis. The meeting assistant, basically, you run, we've all been there, right? You go into meeting. You prefer focusing on the meeting and providing value for the meeting rather than taking notes and sometimes losing the, you know, the conversation and it doesn't really look professional talking to customers and writing. Sofirefly is very powerful for that summarizing and sending out the meeting notes. For example, same for L, IO, similar products you should try for the presentations. Actually, this is very, this presentation here. I've made it with, a. This one is the format but there's manually other cool stuff that you can try by yourself. It's very powerful. I use automation. I use this application for example, to generate the presentation. It's not about running the content for me. It's more. I will spend 90 percent of my time on focusing on the content, the message that I want to deliver. But the AI will give me, the presentation I need so that I don't lose time or, you know, or do repetitive tasks at the slides one after the other and so on. So it's definitely a powerful. You don't have, to know any coding or any fancy tools within the slide maker back to is AI, you should definitely try this one. The other one is from actually, our colleagues here, our organizer here, Matik, I've had the experience the chance to test the application. Actually, the platform. It's very powerful based on your data, it will gather all the elements and give you the presentation within just a matter of a click so that you are ready to go for your QB as I mentioned earlier, or for your meeting that's very powerful.You should definitely give this a try as well or content creation. I e-mail, are very powerful so that you don't necessarily need to pay loyalties, to pictures that don't exist in reality, writing as content generation, seo, optimize content. If you are very keen on developing your seo, your companies web page or website seo, very powerful phrase. I, on the visual side of things image generator man, you probably heard about that creating those application icons, charts and graphs, many things really easy within seconds. You get, the graphics you two very powerful sometimes or it's really often happens very, I would say often when, you have a one hour to video, but you just quickly grab the highlights of the video. What I do is I go on this application and I just ask it, to summarize, the video so that I can either produce the content around. That or write a post, or share with my network and so on. It's very powerful summarize and get more insight around you to rather than writing all the notes by yourself. It's game changing for the task and project management task dot com, very easy, straightforward to use documents, chat with PDF, very powerful. Actually the guy who's building this has just crossed 200,000 users.Basically, you ask a question and the AI will give you the answers based on thePDF document that you just uploaded. It's just crazy. So the resume writing or another one that you can definitely use. You should definitely use it's. You give all your highlights carrier highlights and it will build you a powerful and awesome resume in seconds around reading comprehension. If you want to kind of have a text and you want to upload it in as a three or if you run a pod castor if you want to develop, your website, your company's website with audio, you can definitely use specify online readings for yourself. Again powerfulapplication. All your video podcast are listed, any of them. One, the one thatis really game changing that actually there are two descript. And definitely I would recommend you to try them out. So conscious of time, I hope I've been able to give you some practical tips that you can apply in your day to day work personal and professional. But one thing that I would say, as a closing note is really join relation. Now, it's happening right now even if, you are just starting, it's not late because again, in two, two years of time main jobs will is appear in new jobs. We will appear customer success industry is evolving and we need to keep up with the trends with the new ways of working. The companies are evolving. So definitely… try give if I get involved in these topics and definitely it will help you post your productivity and customer success for many years to come. Thanks everyone. Thank you Hannah. I'm done for with my presentation. I guess we are adding to the.
Matik MC: Yes, for the last five minutes, we have a couple of questions. We'll get to as many as we can, but if we can't get to them, we will share them with an, and get his information for later so that they will get answered for you.All right. So I'm just gonna answer this. I'll have for everyone. All of the content recordings and the resources that can shared will be available afterthe summit. You'll get an e-mail when all of that is live so that you can access that. The first question is, have you seen any difference between ChatGPT and Google bar before this?
Hakan Ozturk: Yeah, actually I've tested the two of them. I'm more keen on ChatGPT because I started with this platform and I am using the per version with ChatGPTfor and all the plugins that, you can import, and run more in depth analysis or in depth research Google bars. I found this from a user experienced perspective. I found it a bit more, I would say less straightforward. I would say more less intuitive, but at the end… these platforms are, I would say based on a similar approach, to a large model lens. But what I've seen lately is Google really pushing hard on kind of getting ahead, of the competition, but I really enjoyed, I enjoy chat with all the customizations, and improvements that the open is bringing, to the platform. So that huge difference I would say. But I think, the battle not the battle but the competition, is hard at the moment and it's great, for us as users as companies. I expect many improvements in the coming at.
Matik MC: Great. Thank you. The next question is following up with meetings and QR, look looked interesting. How do you automate the follow up from a conversation that isn't recorded with a transcript? Would you have to use something like Gong?
Hakan Ozturk: Personally, I haven't tried Gong but I'm hearing many great feedback about Gong definitely work testing that if it's not recorded and if you didn't take any notes, it will be really complicated if you don't have any other tool at hand. So definitely, I would recommend giving a try. But so how, the way I, I'm tackling, this question around the meetings is ensuring that at least someone is taking the notes that's the expectation or with the new tools record transcribe. I find this, very, easy and intuitive and not disrupted. It's very, you can integrate this in your workflow without any kind of specific issue or disruption to your existing process. But Gong definitely is something to try.
Matik MC: Great. Thank you. Appreciate everyone joining today and thank you can for a great session. Let's see… if like I said, all this content will be available in our resource hub, and we will let you know by e-mail when that is available. And live, thank you again for joining us. We really appreciate it. And thanks everyone else for attending today and have a great day.
Hakan Ozturk: Thank you everyone. Thanks for the opportunity. Have a great day.
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