Content on Matik: Product Slides

Casidhe Holland
May 18, 2022
3 mins

Welcome to the latest post in our Content on Matik series. In this series, we will be taking a look at some of the innovative ways Matik customers have used data-driven storytelling to create compelling content and build better relationships with their customers.

Meet the Product Slides.

What are Product Slides?

Product Slides are standalone single slides that highlight certain products or features that your company offers. The key here is that whatever product or feature information you share with a prospect or customer, it should be relevant to their larger business goals.

What is the value of using Product Slides?

Product Slides can be used to engage your prospects and customers, get them excited about a feature that will resonate with them, and open up a more personalized conversation around the value you can bring to their business.

For example, maybe your current customer is using a handful of features. A product slide could help you point out which of those features is bringing them the greatest user engagement and success. By breaking down their usage feature-by-feature, you can draft a data-driven story about the specific kind of value your customer is seeing from your product, and why they should keep paying for it.

Or maybe you have a different scenario on your hands - is your customer missing out on a feature that their competitor is using and benefiting from? Demonstrating this social proof to your customer builds credibility and provides context for why they should grow their investment with you and add on additional features or product SKUs.

On the Sales side, did your prospect share that they’re implementing a new tool internally, and you have an integration for that same tool on your product roadmap? Share that exciting news! If a prospect knows that this integration is in the works, it can help accelerate the buying process and keep your deal from getting stalled.

What is in Product Slides?

Since Product Slides are standalone entities, they offer a lot of potential and flexibility when sharing with your prospects or customers. You can communicate information about:

  • Current product or feature usage
  • Suggested product or feature usage
  • Upcoming product roadmap highlights

To create a current product usage slide, add in all of the products or features your customer is currently using, and show them how their highest used feature is bringing them value. You can share the slide ad hoc or add it to your weekly check-in presentation, to show your customer how their product usage is changing and growing week-over-week.

By showing your customer the features they are using, you can also open up a conversation about the features and SKUs that they aren’t currently leveraging. Create a product slide that includes a list of the features you want to point your customer to, as well as an explanation or visualization of those features. 

This slide should also explain to a customer why they should be leveraging these other features. If possible, pull in data from your product about how other customers in a similar industry are using these features, anonymize the data, and share it with your customer. 

Use this to kick off a conversation with your customer about how their competitors are leveraging your product, and what your customer could be doing to be even more successful. You can slot in this product slide to your weekly check-in, to a larger competitor benchmarking presentation, or as part of a QBR or renewal deck. To learn more about Competitor Benchmarking Presentations, click here.

Lastly, use product slides to show customers how they can continue to grow with your product. Create a timeline visualization that shows the different upcoming features on your product roadmap that are relevant to your customer’s industry. Best practice is to avoid sharing actual dates, but to still give your customer insight into what is soon upcoming.

You can add this product roadmap slide to your current customer conversations, but it’s also a useful tool on the pre-sales side of your business. Share with AEs to have them use it as a follow up to their conversations with prospective customers, to show prospects how they can not only get value from today’s product, but how you’ll be building a long-term partnership with them that accommodates their future needs and business goals.

In Short

Product Slides are a great way to personalize a conversation with a prospect or customer, and show them how their goals can be achieved by growing their usage of your product.

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Welcome to the latest post in our Content on Matik series. In this series, we will be taking a look at some of the innovative ways Matik customers have used data-driven storytelling to create compelling content and build better relationships with their customers.

Meet the Product Slides.

What are Product Slides?

Product Slides are standalone single slides that highlight certain products or features that your company offers. The key here is that whatever product or feature information you share with a prospect or customer, it should be relevant to their larger business goals.

What is the value of using Product Slides?

Product Slides can be used to engage your prospects and customers, get them excited about a feature that will resonate with them, and open up a more personalized conversation around the value you can bring to their business.

For example, maybe your current customer is using a handful of features. A product slide could help you point out which of those features is bringing them the greatest user engagement and success. By breaking down their usage feature-by-feature, you can draft a data-driven story about the specific kind of value your customer is seeing from your product, and why they should keep paying for it.

Or maybe you have a different scenario on your hands - is your customer missing out on a feature that their competitor is using and benefiting from? Demonstrating this social proof to your customer builds credibility and provides context for why they should grow their investment with you and add on additional features or product SKUs.

On the Sales side, did your prospect share that they’re implementing a new tool internally, and you have an integration for that same tool on your product roadmap? Share that exciting news! If a prospect knows that this integration is in the works, it can help accelerate the buying process and keep your deal from getting stalled.

What is in Product Slides?

Since Product Slides are standalone entities, they offer a lot of potential and flexibility when sharing with your prospects or customers. You can communicate information about:

  • Current product or feature usage
  • Suggested product or feature usage
  • Upcoming product roadmap highlights

To create a current product usage slide, add in all of the products or features your customer is currently using, and show them how their highest used feature is bringing them value. You can share the slide ad hoc or add it to your weekly check-in presentation, to show your customer how their product usage is changing and growing week-over-week.

By showing your customer the features they are using, you can also open up a conversation about the features and SKUs that they aren’t currently leveraging. Create a product slide that includes a list of the features you want to point your customer to, as well as an explanation or visualization of those features. 

This slide should also explain to a customer why they should be leveraging these other features. If possible, pull in data from your product about how other customers in a similar industry are using these features, anonymize the data, and share it with your customer. 

Use this to kick off a conversation with your customer about how their competitors are leveraging your product, and what your customer could be doing to be even more successful. You can slot in this product slide to your weekly check-in, to a larger competitor benchmarking presentation, or as part of a QBR or renewal deck. To learn more about Competitor Benchmarking Presentations, click here.

Lastly, use product slides to show customers how they can continue to grow with your product. Create a timeline visualization that shows the different upcoming features on your product roadmap that are relevant to your customer’s industry. Best practice is to avoid sharing actual dates, but to still give your customer insight into what is soon upcoming.

You can add this product roadmap slide to your current customer conversations, but it’s also a useful tool on the pre-sales side of your business. Share with AEs to have them use it as a follow up to their conversations with prospective customers, to show prospects how they can not only get value from today’s product, but how you’ll be building a long-term partnership with them that accommodates their future needs and business goals.

In Short

Product Slides are a great way to personalize a conversation with a prospect or customer, and show them how their goals can be achieved by growing their usage of your product.

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