How Matik Uses AI to Deliver Data-Driven Insights to Customers

Bex Sekar
October 23, 2023
2 mins

The most challenging part of creating a business review or renewal deck isn’t creating all the personalized tables and charts, although that’s definitely a pain. It’s taking the time to review the deck, the charts and tables in it, and coming up with key takeaways. Because let’s be honest, no one wants the nitty gritty details, they want the “so what” commentary.

But coming up with those takeaways is not easy. While you might be able to come up with standard questions to ask, like is the line graph going up or down and which month had the biggest ROI, you can’t feasibly account for everything. Only a data analyst would be able to do that, but you didn’t hire your CSMs for their data analysis skills.

And that’s the problem Matik solves with AI. Matik uses AI to create that commentary and key takeaways, and essentially uplevels the data skills of all your CSMs in the process. Below are the three main ways AI can help.

Adding data-driven takeaways to slides

Let Matik describe, analyze, compare or summarize tables & charts so that you can automatically add data-driven insights straight into your content. Data doesn’t have to be in table or chart format in order for Matik’s AI to analyze it. And don’t worry about Matik having to ingest data - the app only does querying of data warehouses, BI tools, CRMs and spreadsheets.

Creating an executive summary to any deck

Spend less time combing through your decks and use Presentation Enhancer (Matik’s Google Slides add-on) to create executive summaries for your presentations. Help your team focus more on the upcoming meeting versus figuring out the highlights.

Drafting a talk track for any presentations

Ensure you and your team don’t forget an important takeaway by using Presentation Enhancer to generate a talk track for your presentation. It’s a waste of time to have your CSMs comb through the deck slide by slide and hope they don’t miss anything - Presentation Enhancer can help you catch all the important stuff.

Let CSMs be CSMs! See Matik in action by requesting a demo here.

The most challenging part of creating a business review or renewal deck isn’t creating all the personalized tables and charts, although that’s definitely a pain. It’s taking the time to review the deck, the charts and tables in it, and coming up with key takeaways. Because let’s be honest, no one wants the nitty gritty details, they want the “so what” commentary.

But coming up with those takeaways is not easy. While you might be able to come up with standard questions to ask, like is the line graph going up or down and which month had the biggest ROI, you can’t feasibly account for everything. Only a data analyst would be able to do that, but you didn’t hire your CSMs for their data analysis skills.

And that’s the problem Matik solves with AI. Matik uses AI to create that commentary and key takeaways, and essentially uplevels the data skills of all your CSMs in the process. Below are the three main ways AI can help.

Adding data-driven takeaways to slides

Let Matik describe, analyze, compare or summarize tables & charts so that you can automatically add data-driven insights straight into your content. Data doesn’t have to be in table or chart format in order for Matik’s AI to analyze it. And don’t worry about Matik having to ingest data - the app only does querying of data warehouses, BI tools, CRMs and spreadsheets.

Creating an executive summary to any deck

Spend less time combing through your decks and use Presentation Enhancer (Matik’s Google Slides add-on) to create executive summaries for your presentations. Help your team focus more on the upcoming meeting versus figuring out the highlights.

Drafting a talk track for any presentations

Ensure you and your team don’t forget an important takeaway by using Presentation Enhancer to generate a talk track for your presentation. It’s a waste of time to have your CSMs comb through the deck slide by slide and hope they don’t miss anything - Presentation Enhancer can help you catch all the important stuff.

Let CSMs be CSMs! See Matik in action by requesting a demo here.

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